WHOIS - A worldwide database maintained by the servers of non-profit organizations and corporations like ARIN,RIPE NCC,APNIC,LACNIC and AfriNIC(belonging to Regional Internet Registries) containing a listing of domains.The database of all these servers have been referenced amongst themselves.Hence,if a query is made to AfriNIC for a domain name whose record of information belongs to ARIN,still AfriNIC will show the information relating to that query.The WHOIS database is queried to retrieve information like IP address,registrar,status,company name,address,domain name server etc. about a domain name.Websites providing WHOIS service reply upon WHOIS servers belonging to Regional Internet Registries to retrieve information and present before the user.
Anybody can simply perform an ip WHOIS query or a domain WHOIS query at Ipmango.An example of WHOIS data returned for www.ipmango.com from the WHOIS query at Ipmango is:-
Spamming,Exposure of Privacy and Inaccurate Information are the major problems related to WHOIS.
IP Address Location / Geolocation - It is the geographic identification of an IP address of any device,server or website by the process of tracking(geotracking)/tracing and mapping.The exact location of an IP address is retrieved from the WHOIS databse.Geotracking information is not always accurate.
For geolocating just go to http://www.Ipmango.com
Geo Api - It Gives the Output for the geo information of an IP in XML format.
Just check out the services of Ipmango for more information.